April 8, 2024

Behind the Aroma Podcast Notes for Season 02 Episode 06: Spices



Adekunle B. International Economics lecture notes, Global Management Studies, Toronto Metropolitan University.


Adekunle, B., & Kajumba, C. (2021). Social media and Economic Development: The role of Instagram in developing countries. In Advances in theory and practice of emerging markets (pp. 85–99). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-70538-1_6


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Filippone, P. T. (2022, April 18). Nutmeg and Mace History. The Spruce Eats. https://www.thespruceeats.com/nutmeg-and-mace-history-1807632


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Heikenfeld, R. (2020). Herbes De Provence Honey Recipe. Countryside & Small Stock Journal, 29.


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To listen to this episode: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/9efLT9xcDIb

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March 11, 2024

Cup of Excellence: The Journey of the Perfect Sip


Assortment of Single Origin Coffees (Planet Bean, Guelph)


I would not call myself a coffee fanatic, yet it has become a regular part of my routine ever since I began working on my research paper. Gradually, coffee transitioned from a simple morning ritual to an energy companion in my quest for catching ideas and focus. It became the backdrop against which my ideas grew, offering clarity and inspiration amidst the chaos of thoughts.


My journey with coffee was mostly manifested by the convenience of instant varieties until one of my mentors introduced me to the intricate world of single-origin coffees. The term "Single-origin coffee" was new to me, which refers to coffee sourced exclusively from a single location, as opposed to blends from various places. This was my first experience trying two distinct coffees from different regions: Las Numbes from Costa Rica and Ethiopian Yirgacheffe from Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee seemed somewhat intense flavor profile, with nutty, bitter, and astringent notes, in contrast to the Las Numbes coffee. This experience allowed me to taste the unique flavors and qualities inherent to these specific coffee sources.


Ethiopian Dark Sidamo: Served in a Mug

In a world where digital connectivity flourishes yet personal bonds often wither, a simple invitation to "Let's get coffee” shines as a ray of hope. It offers an entrance into the tapestry of dialogue, a call to forge real connections over cups filled with warmth. The reason for visiting a coffee shop extends beyond just drinking coffee or savoring its taste. It encompasses a range of intangible elements like the environment, quality of service, a space for relaxation or de-stressing, a setting favorable to work, business dealings, and social meetings. These aspects collectively contribute to the coffee shop experience. An intriguing aspect that I have noticed that enhances the coffee experience is the importance of presentation and the choice of serving cups or mugs. The shape, color, and size of these pots vary to complement the specific variety of coffee being served, adding an extra dimension to the overall coffee delight.


The art of preparing specialty coffee is a tribute to the detailed and intense process of creating the ultimate brew.  The practice, which I refer to as "Coffee Craft," embodies more than just the act of making coffee, transforming beans into a delightful experience. This process encompasses everything from harvesting and drying to the final roasting stage. When the coffee beans are harvested, dried, and prepared for roasting, they possess a greenish-olive color like that of a pumpkin seed. At the packaging level or in cafes, coffees are often categorized by their roast levels: "light," "medium," or "dark." These classifications go beyond just the visual aspect of the brewed coffee. They indicate the duration of the coffee beans spent inside the hot roaster. The more time beans spend in the roaster, the darker they become, this process is referred to as caramelization, which profoundly influences the flavor profile. Initially, 20 grams of medium-roasted coffee beans for each variety are ground. Then, hot water is poured over the coffee grounds. The coffee is then extracted through a filter. An interesting phenomenon occurs when hot water first contacts the coffee grounds in the filter, resulting in a "Bloom." This Bloom is caused by the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the coffee grounds. Properly extracted coffee boasts a rich and aromatic taste.


Coffee Bloom 


I truly enjoyed this coffee exploration journey. It was such an enlightening experience for me. The concept of Third Wave Coffee has the potential to significantly influence the supply chain, benefiting both the coffee farmers and retailers. The act of consuming coffee could leave a profound impact on creating value for the farmers involved. This insight made me think that buying coffee is beyond merely enjoying a brew. This shift in outlook has led me to view consuming coffee as a chance to make a positive impact on the lives of those who bring it to our cups.


Mahbuba Airin

Graduate Student, CDE | ECVOntario

SEDRD, University of Guelph

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November 11, 2023

Behind the Aroma Podcast Notes for Season 02 Episode 05: Smuggling of Foods


Adekunle B (np).  1999 – 2018 documentation by Bamidele Adekunle.
Adekunle, B. (2010). The joint border post at ECOWAS borders. Nigerian Tribune.
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Government of Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency. (2023, October 24). Bringing food into Canada for personal usehttps://inspection.canada.ca/food-safety-for-consumers/bringing-food-into-canada-for-personal-use/eng/1389630031549/1389630282362
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Jones, E.T. (2001). 'Illicit business: accounting for smuggling in mid-sixteenth century Bristol'. Economic History Review, 54 (2001); E. T. Jones, Inside the Illicit Economy: Reconstructing the Smugglers’ Trade of Sixteenth Century Bristol (Ashgate, June 2012).
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Lantican, T. & Ani, P. (2022). “The Philippine fight against agricultural smuggling: review of government Policies and Initiatives”. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region.https://ap.fftc.org.tw/article/1867

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Rosenberger, Bree (2020). "The British Smuggling Dilemma: 1698-1784," International ResearchScape Journal: Vol. 7, Article 5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25035/irj.07.01.05 Available at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/irj/vol7/iss1/5

Youngman, A. (1908). The Fortune of John Jacob Astor. Journal of Political Economy16(6), 345–368. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1820664

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August 16, 2023

Behind the Aroma Podcast Notes for Season 02 Episode 04: Technology and Food




Adekunle, B. (2018a, June 7). Digital payment, ethnocultural food and alternative agriculturehttps://evcontario2011.blogspot.com/2018/06/digital-payment-ethnocultural-food-and.html

Adekunle, B. (2018, July 7). Autonomous vehicles and Agri-Food value chainhttps://evcontario2011.blogspot.com/2018/07/autonomous-vehicles-and-agri-food-value.html

Adekunle, B. (2019, June 23). The logic. ECVOntario. https://evcontario2011.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-logic.html

Adekunle, & Kajumba. (2020). The Nexus between Instagram and Digital Entrepreneurship. Journal of African Development21(1), 14–40. https://doi.org/10.5325/jafrideve.21.1.0014

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CP24. (2023, July 2). Canada considering eliminating ‘best-before dates’ [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-FD6AN-w8Q

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Korzun, M., Adekunle, B., & Filson, G. C. (2014). Innovation and agricultural exports: the case of sub-Saharan Africa. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1080/20421338.2014.976970

Lansing, J. S. (2009). Priests and programmers: technologies of power in the engineered landscape of Bali. Princeton University Press.

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TED. (2016, September 16). How the blockchain is changing money and business | Don Tapscott [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl8OlkkwRpc

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The Economist. (2023b, April 24). ChatGPT could replace telemarketers, teachers and traders. The Economisthttps://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2023/04/14/chatgpt-could-replace-telemarketers-teachers-and-traders

The Economist. (2023c, May 29). What does a leaked Google memo reveal about the future of AI? The Economisthttps://www.economist.com/leaders/2023/05/11/what-does-a-leaked-google-memo-reveal-about-the-future-of-ai

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To listen to this episode:


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August 9, 2023

Understanding the Consumption of Tea: Black, White, Green or Oolong?


Different types of teas

Tea (Camellia sinensis) is a beverage loved by people all over the world, though at different levels of affinity. I believe my love for tea started as a toddler who will wake up at the middle of the night to impress it on my aunties to make tea for me. Later in life, tea became something I drink only for breakfast. As I became a traveler, researcher and global learner, tea became part of my staple including the influence of my colleagues in the graduate school who always enjoy tea at any time of the day. On one fateful day during grad school, I remember ordering chai tea latte and Makau Nzuma informed me that the meaning of chai is tea so chai tea is a tautology (repetition). Moreover, in one of my essays, I alluded to the fact that we consume the same thing even though preparation and name my differ. Whether it is chai (e.g. Indians, Arabs, and East Africans), cha (e.g. Bangladeshis and Chinese), chay (Russians and Ukrainians), te (e.g. Italians, and Spanish), the (French) tsaa (Filipinos), these different ethnocultural groups are referring to the same beverage that is highly desirable to their gastronomy. To the specialty cafés and food franchises, chai tea latte is a blend of black tea and spices.

The story of tea started from China and has migrated to other parts of the world. The popularity started with matcha thus strengthening the Chinese tea culture. It was during the 9th century that a Japanese monk, from China, started growing the plant in Japan and a unique ritual was developed around the consumption of tea. Dutch traders were the first set of people to import tea to Europe in the 17th century. Tea was a major trade commodity during this period, thus leading to intense competition among the western countries to outcompete China. The competition was so stiff that Britain suggested a trade based on barter to exchange opium for tea, an arrangement that led to public health problems in China. To curtail the challenges associated with the consumption of opium, a cargo of opium was destroyed at the port of China and this led to the opium war. This war weakened China’s global power for more than a century. To further reduce the Chinese monopoly power, tea plants and experienced tea growers were smuggled out of China to Darjeeling, India under the British control (via The British East Indian Company). This spread of tea plantation continued across borders. In fact, an emeritus professor from Chennai, told me it was the British who moved a huge number of Tamils from Tamil Nādu to work on tea plantations in Sri Lanka.

Processed tea leaves

As my curiosity for consumption of desirable tea develops, I kept looking for teas that are sustainable for both the environment and the farmers cultivating the land. Based on my inclination and convictions, I made sure I buy and drink teas that are ethically produced, organic and artisanal. But the challenge is that it is difficult to monitor what operates along the value chain and certification is not necessarily a panacea. In other words, opacity and food authenticity are inversely related. Based on these challenges I decided to explore a sustainable tea farm, Renegade farm, in Imereti, Georgia as a plot adopter. This arrangement allows me to support sustainable production of tea, share the risk involved in tea production with the growers, contribute to biodiversity, and get a box of four types of teas at the end of the year. This is a variation of community shared agriculture on a global scale.

The Renegade Tea Estate was established in 2017 with the idea to build a platform where customers will drink tea that they were involved in the production. They have made adopters like myself to have an idea of the processes involved in growing our tea even though the farm is more than 8900 kilometers away. In five years, 2022, the farm has grown to 1500 families who have chosen to adopt their tea gardens. Adoption varies from more than 20 years to one season. The philosophy behind their activities is transparency, small production instead of mass production of food, and the practice of alternative agriculture.

Adopted tea plot: Renegade Farms

My box is packed with well processed, chemical free and handpicked tea from my plot as designated by the tea farm. I have these four teas in my subscription: [1]

1. Prodigy Mesame: oolong tea – floral, fresh and fruity.

2. Sunset Garden: green tea - mellow, fresh and intense (slightly bitter) taste as you swallow.

3. Georgian Breakfast: black tea – brisk, full bodied and

4. Imereti Summer: white tea – light, mild, fresh, and not strong.

I like the tea from Renegade because they have their specific taste and batches taste slightly different. What a privilege to be able to participate in this initiative. It is all about experimentation which is a very important concept in this century with respect to gastronomy. Furthermore, there is emphasis on no pesticides, herbicides and non-organic fertilizers.

I will continue to improve my tea consumption in a sustainable way by exploring specialty cafes and hanging with people from different parts of the world. As I mentioned earlier, people’s consumption of tea varies as a result of their culture, education, class, background and travel experiences. My observation in South West Nigeria is that consumption of tea is not that popular except among the elites. The general population prefer hot drinks from local grains like corn (maize), millet, or guinea corn. But the situation is different in East and Southern Africa where people consume several cups of tea in a day. This was based on my personal experiences in Arusha, Dar es Salaam, Moshi, Mombasa, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Pretoria and Durban. In fact, during my stay in Arusha in 2008 teaching graduate students in economics from more than 10 African universities, I started drinking tea more than five times a day with hot milk (not water!).  As stated in the essay “A Somali Breakfast’ preferences for tea is a reflection of the influence of the colonization for most cultures and people.

If you ask for my preference, I will say I have acquired a taste for black tea, I tolerate white tea easily, I forget oolong is caffeinated and I still struggle to appreciate green tea.


Bamidele Adekunle|IRG & ECVOntario|SEDRD|University of Guelph.


[1] All the teas have smoky aroma. 

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