January 23, 2020

Behind The Aroma - Episode 3 (The Three Sisters)


Adekunle, B., Cidro, J., & Filson, G. (2015). The political economy of culturally appropriate foods in in Winnipeg: A case of Refugee Path Immigrants (RPIs). Retrieved from https://www.policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/Manitoba Office/2015/12/Cultural Foods.pdf

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Cidro, J., Adekunle, B., Peters, E., & Martens, T. (2015). Beyond food security: Understanding access to cultural food for urban indigenous people in Winnipeg as Indigenous Food Sovereignty. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, volume 24 (1), pages 24-43

Filson, G. C., & Adekunle, B. (2017). Eat local, taste global: how ethnocultural food reaches our tables. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

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