June 29, 2023

Behind the Aroma Podcast Notes for Season 02 Episode 03: Opacity and Food Authenticity


Adekunle, (2020). The Butcher’s Impressions. (2020, February 23). ECV Ontariohttps://evcontario2011.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-butchers-impressions.html

Adekunle, (2018). Halal Food: Conception, Misconceptions and Certification.  ECVOntario: Halal Food: Conception, Misconceptions and Certification (evcontario2011.blogspot.com)

Adekunle, B., & Filson, G. (2020). Understanding halal food market: Resolving asymmetric information. Food Ethics5(1), 13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41055-020-00072-7

Ahmed, H. M. (2023). Almost No Muslim Country Among Top 10 Halal Product Exporters. The Halal Times. https://www.halaltimes.com/muslim-country-among-top-10-halal-products-exporters/

Akerlof, G. A. (1970). The Market for “Lemons”: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism. Quarterly Journal of Economics84(3), 488. https://doi.org/10.2307/1879431

Canada, P. H. A. of. (2015, August 24). Yearly food-borne illness estimates for Canada [Education and awareness]. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/food-borne-illness-canada/yearly-food-borne-illness-estimates-canada.html

DW Documentary. (2022, April 16). Tea: New ideas for the world‘s second most popular drink | DW Documentary [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuENzXlm1R0

Georgian State Folk Song and Dance Ensemble - Free Music Archive. (n.d.). https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Georgian_State_Folk_Song_and_Dance_Ensemble/bio

Hanner, R. University of Guelph study: 14% of sausages contain unlabelled meats. Guelph Mercury. Sunday, Feb 17, 2019. Updated Mar 25, 2023. U of Guelph study: 14% of sausages contain unlabelled meats (guelphmercury.com) 

Jahn, G., Schramm, M., & Spiller, A. (2005). The Reliability of Certification: Quality Labels as a Consumer Policy Tool. Journal of Consumer Policy28(1), 53–73. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10603-004-7298-6

Professor Adekunle’s communications with the research team (2018 - 2022).

Regenstein J. M., Chaudry M. M., and Regenstein C. E. (2003). The Kosher and Halal Food Laws. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 2:111-127.

Seto Chris - Guelph Mercury. Do you know what you’re eating? Guelph researcher leads talk on food fraud. Do you know what you're eating? Guelph researcher leads talk on food fraud (guelphmercury.com). Published Monday, Feb 24, 2020.

Singh, M. (n.d.). Sweet little lies: Maple syrup fraud undermines the authenticity of Canada’s ‘liquid gold.’ The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/sweet-little-lies-maple-syrup-fraud-undermines-the-authenticity-of-canadas-liquid-gold-201343

Summary of Recall Cases in Calendar Year 2021 | Food Safety and Inspection Service. (n.d.). Retrieved May 6, 2023, from http://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/recalls-public-health-alerts/annual-recall-summaries/summary-recall-cases-calendar-8

Taleb, N. N. (2018). Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life. New York: Allen Lane.

Uganda. (n.d.). Report on International Religious Freedom: Uganda. United States Department of State. Retrieved May 6, 2023, from https://www.state.gov/reports/2021-report-on-international-religious-freedom/uganda/

University of Guelph. (2019, February 14). Researcher Finds 14% of Canadian Sausages Mislabelled, Down from Last U of G Study. U Of G News. https://news.uoguelph.ca/2019/02/researcher-finds-14-of-sausages-mislabelled-in-canada-down-from-last-u-of-g-study/

To listen to this episode: https://radiopublic.com/behind-the-aroma-6Lzn0Q/s1!62ac2


  1. Opacity and food authenticity are inversely related. This episode strengthens our understanding of the relationship with the use of examples.

  2. "The Butcher’s Impressions" provides an insightful take on food ethics. What inspired you to approach the topic from this perspective?
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  3. The connection between certification and consumer trust is compelling. Could you expand on how certification impacts market accessibility for halal products?
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  4. Your discussion reminds me of Akerlof's "Market for Lemons." Do you see a direct parallel between halal certification and quality signaling?
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  5. It’s fascinating how asymmetric information affects the halal food market. Do you think digital platforms can bridge this gap?
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  6. The link between food-borne illnesses and certification raises important questions. What role do you think regulators should play here?
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  9. The contrast between perception and reality in halal certification is striking. Have you explored consumer surveys to validate these insights?
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  11. Considering Hanner’s findings, do you think there’s a need for more random audits in the halal industry?
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  12. Ahmed’s article about top halal exporters adds an interesting layer. What lessons can emerging markets learn from these exporters?
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