December 23, 2022

Burgers for All

 When North Americans think “fast-food”, the first thought that comes to our mind is “burgers and fries”. This may be due to the high presence and saturation of the world-famous restaurant, McDonald’s. Although each burger has a unique recipe, there are a few staple ingredients: A toasted bun, a slice of cheese and/or vegetables, and a meat-based patty. However, what about those who choose not...
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December 14, 2022

Food: A Bengali Perspective

 Bhapa Pitha - Bangladeshi Winter Delicacy As an international student, living in a foreign country, the food that I have an appetite for, and cook is an accumulation of my convenience and experience instead of my taste buds. Coming from a Bangladeshi heritage, food is not only a means of survival or nutrients but also a means of cultural celebration, community engagement, building and sharing...
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